GreenLinked: solus4 interview
See the latest solus4 interview about our hope for sustainability on Greenlinked under companies.
LINTERNAUTE:Solus 4 : un centre de recherche marin innovant
La station de recherches marines présente une surface habitable de 2 500 m². Les architectes lui ont donné une forme très appropriée pour son lieu d'habitat : celle d'une vague.Les architectes de Solus 4 ont prévu...
E-ARCHITECT:Marine Research Center, Kuta beach, Bali, southeast Asia - design by solus4
MARINE RESEARCH CENTER TAKES ITS FORMATIVE CLUES FROM TSUNAMI STRUCTURE The recent international design competition for a marine research center in Bali Indonesia gave firm solus4 an opportunity to study and architecturally interpret the structure of...
TRENDHUNTER: Natural Disaster Architecture
The Solus4 Marine Research Center is Inspired by Tsunami Waves. Sinuous and seamless, the Solus4 Marine Research Center blends beautifully into its aquatic surroundings...TRENDHUNTER
HI-TECH-ONLINE: Architektur für Naturkatastrophen
Das Architekturbüro Solus4 hat einen Entwurf für das Marine Research Center Indonesien veröffentlicht. Das Marine Research Center liegt 100 Meter entfernt von Kuta Beach auf Bali in Indonesien. Der Entwurf vereint öffentliche, halböffentliche...
GIZMODO: El centro de investigación marina de Solus4 parece un hotel de lujo flotante
Tras los desastres ocurridos por el tsunami de 2004, Indonesia se ha dado cuenta de que tiene que aportar más medios para investigar este fenómeno destructivo de la naturaleza. Para empezar han creado un concurso internacional de diseño...
GIZMODO DE: Indonesien plant Designer-Forschungsstation für Tsunamis
Ich war schon ein paar Mal in Bali und kann Euch sagen, dass sich diese Forschungsstation in Sachen Design um Lichtjahre von dem unterscheidet, was landestypisch ist. Allerdings kann man im folgenden Foto sehen, dass dieser Widerspruch durchaus seinen...
DVICE:Gorgeous marine research facility tasked with studying tsunamis
In 2004, an undersea earthquake in the Indian Ocean created a devastating tsunami that killed hundreds of thousands across Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand. In something of a response, an international design competition was held for a tsunami...
DESIGNBOOM: solus4: marine research centre, bali
the recent international design competition for a marine research center in bali, indonesia gave firm solus4 an opportunity to study and architecturally interpret the structure of tsunami waves..... go to designboom
FUTURIX: Il futuro Marine Reasearch Center di Bali
Per Jean Nouvel “Nella modernità di oggi prevale l’estetica della sorpresa”. Anche per Le Corbusier “Lo scopo dell’architettura è di emozionarci”. Questo stupendo concept futurista proposto dello studio...
INHABITAT: Sustainable Marine Research Center Studies Tsunamis
By Bridgette Meinhold, 10/13/10 filed under: Architecture, Sustainable Building, Zero energy.While this incredible Marine Research Center's may appear quite futuristic in form, the design was actually inspired by the structure of an ensuing tsnumai...
WORLD ARCHITECTURE NEWS: Fluid concept for Bali beaches
Marine Research Center proposal takes its formative clues from tsunami structure.A recent international design competition for a Marine Research Centre in Bali Indonesia gave firm solus4 an opportunity to study and architecturally interpret the structure...
SEACOAST ONLINE: Solus4: Virtually here architecture
By Michael McCord October 11, 2010 2:00 AM KITTERY, Maine — In the mid-1970s, when architect Duncan Pendlebury was in the Middle East handling one of his first major overseas projects, getting architectural drawings back and...
FOSTERS DAILY DEMOCRAT: Solus4 opens architecture, planning collaborative
Friday, October 1, 2010 KITTERY, Maine — Newly formed Solus4 LLC announces the kick-off of its international architecture and planning collaborative. Solus4 is an architectural studio specializing in architecture, planning and interior design,...
Newly formed Solus4 LLC announces the kick-off of its international architecture and planning collaborative.
Solus4 is an architectural studio specializing in architecture, planning and interior design, headquartered in Kittery, Maine. The firm, while newly formed, has an extensive background in commercial, residential, institutional and hospitality design and...